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About us

The Platform Wooncoöperaties Amsterdam (PWA) was founded in 2018 as a partnership between housing cooperatives in the Metropolitan Region.


Our goal is to support and connect housing cooperatives in the Amsterdam region by means of information exchange and consultation, knowledge development, education, advocacy and quality promotion.

We do this by consulting regularly, connecting our network and sharing our knowledge and experience.

'We believe that housing cooperatives are a social, fair and sustainable housing solution within the ever tighter housing market.'


- Sanne Groot Koerkamp,

The Jelt.


Our main activities:

Information exchange and consultation


Regular information exchange and position determination between housing cooperatives that are active in the Amsterdam region.

Knowledge development


PWA develops knowledge that is relevant to it's members and exchanges this knowledge.

Focusing on:

  • The development and exploitation of rental properties: technology, finance, etc.

  • Possibilities of cooperative associations.



Gathering relevant knowledge about developments within and outside the sector and sharing this with our members through information meetings, training and education. Contributing to the professionalization of the sector by offering standards and training to members.



By advocacy we mean activities that are aimed at influencing the policies of third parties, primarily the municipalities in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, Housing associations and other stakeholders.


The ambition is to ensure a good position for housing cooperatives in selections for new construction and the sale of real estate.


Quality promotion


  • Promoting better quality in the functioning of housing cooperatives and the services they provide.

  • Participating in the development and implementation of a quality mark.

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